リスト2 anlgform.pl の書き換え

#!/usr/bin/perl -T <---- perl のパスが違っている場合は書き換える


###              analog 5.23             http://www.analog.cx/

### This program is copyright (c) Stephen R. E. Turner 1995 - 2002 except as

### stated otherwise. Distribution, usage and modification of this program is

### subject to the conditions of the Licence which you should have received

### with it. This program comes with no warranty, expressed or implied.

### Remember: Even the most carefully-designed CGI programs can accidentally

### have serious security bugs! See docs/form.html for notes on security

### design.


### anlgform.pl; the cgi front end for analog

# 1) uncomment (remove everything before $analog) and edit one of the next two

#    lines to give the location (full pathname) of the analog executable.

$analog = '/usr/local/bin/analog'; <---- インストールされているパスに合わせて書き換える

#       Windows: $analog = 'C:\program files\analog 5.23\analog.exe';

# 2) If you're on Unix, edit the first line in this file to give the location

#    of Perl (don't remove the #! though).

# 3) You also need to edit anlgform.html if you want to use the form.

# 4) Add to the forbidden commands below if you want.